We have the potential to live to be over 90. More importantly, however, we have the potential to stay healthy for over 90 years. Because it’s a fact: most diseases and medical causes of death are preventable (1).
The idea that life ends at 70 and that ageing must feel bad is an outdated cliché. On the contrary: if you take care of your health early on, you can enjoy the decades of retirement in the best of health.
To effectively prevent serious diseases, it is crucial to recognize them early. Studies show that the individual, relative risk of developing serious illnesses can vary by a factor of 10 from person to person (2).
Health check-ups provide the necessary clarity here. Just one or two visits to the doctor are enough to gain complete transparency about your health and receive individualized recommendations for action that can enable you to lead a healthy life beyond the age of 90.
The earlier we recognize the development of serious diseases, the sooner we can prevent them from having serious and, in the worst case, fatal consequences.
We recommend that every patient at least has the “Check-Up 35” carried out regularly. In our opinion, this is far from sufficient, but it is at least a first step. It is covered by all statutory health insurance companies.
For those who want a higher level of detail and therefore more control over their health, a more comprehensive check-up is available. Compared to the “Check-Up 35”, this is many times more detailed and therefore much more reliable.
Below we offer you a simple overview of your check-up options. All components are based on medical principles – described by doctors as “evidence-based” – and are in line with the scale of fees for doctors.
When looking at the most common medical causes of death in Germany, strokes and heart attacks are in first place, followed by cancer (3). Mental illnesses and behavioral disorders (especially dementia) have recently slipped from third to fourth place. Together, these diseases accounted for 63% of all deaths in 2023. All three causes of death have one thing in common: their risk is significantly increased in the presence of metabolic diseases, particularly type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Can the disease be treated well?
🟡 Sometimes
Is it easy to identify risks at an early stage with a check-up?
🟢 Almost always
If the risk has been identified, can the disease be prevented or delayed?
🟢 Almost always
In most cases, heart attacks and strokes are caused by the acute blockage of a blood vessel. If the blood can no longer flow, the heart or brain tissue dies – a process known as an infarction. A stroke is therefore also referred to as a cerebral infarction.
Both events are often fatal and are the most common cause of death in the world. In Germany alone, around 350,000 people died from a heart or brain attack in 2023. The process that leads to a heart attack begins at an early age and it often takes decades for the event to occur. The earlier the risk is reduced, the greater the chance that a heart attack will never occur. How high the personal risk is and how to minimize it can be determined by a combination of several examinations.
Can the disease be treated well?
🟡 Sometimes
Can risks be identified in good time with a check-up?
🟢 Almost always
Can the disease be prevented or delayed after a check-up?
🟢 Almost always
How it works, symptoms & causes
Through its pumping function, the heart ensures that blood circulates throughout the body, supplying our tissues with oxygen and nutrients, while waste products are carried away for disposal. When heart function is impaired, symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, excessive fatigue and swelling in the legs can occur. Causes of impaired heart function can include heart disease such as coronary heart disease (CHD), heart attacks, heart valve disease or cardiac arrhythmia. High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes mellitus as well as lifestyle factors such as smoking, an unhealthy diet and a lack of physical activity also contribute to heart problems.
Can related diseases be treated well?
🟡 Sometimes
Is it easy to identify risks at an early stage with a check-up?
🟢 often
If the risk has been identified, is the disease easily preventable?
🟢 often
Choose the right check-up for you & make an appointment. We guarantee that we will find an appointment that suits you perfectly.
So come to our practice. Here we carry out the examination and evaluation and take time to answer all your questions and concerns.
In a subsequent telephone appointment, we will discuss your therapy, sports, nutrition and supplement plan and arrange a follow-up appointment. This is how we ensure your long-term success.
€420-480 depending on difficulty and time required
€680-750 depending on difficulty and time required
Cardiology | Internal Medicine | Emergency Medicine
Dr. Luhmann is a specialist in cardiology and internal medicine and has the additional qualification in emergency medicine awarded by the Bavarian Medical Association.
In addition, Dr. Luhmann is certified in special cardiovascular prevention, pacemakers, implantable cardioverter/ defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) by the German Cardiac Society Academy.
A check-up is a holistic examination of your body. Above all, we try to detect serious illnesses without symptoms as early as possible. We also point out how you can live healthier if you are at personal risk. The earlier we act together, the sooner you can achieve a healthy life at over 90.
Serious illnesses can occur at any age. It is always better to prevent them (prevention) than to have to treat them. In order to live a long and healthy life, it is crucial to know our personal risk. For people from families with a history of cancer, for example, regular check-ups are particularly important. Diseases such as high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels can start at a young age and have serious consequences decades later. An early check-up can reveal such risks so that you can adjust your lifestyle in good time and positively influence the course of the disease.
We always ask you to carry out at least one „Check-Up 35“ on a regular basis. This is free of charge for everyone and is a good first step towards recognizing the really big problems.
For more certainty and a higher level of detail, we recommend that all privately insured persons, self-payers and those with statutory health insurance who can afford it and want to pay for it themselves have one of the larger check-ups.
We have a detailed overview above of how the check-ups differ and would be happy to answer any questions you may have – please contact us!
Which test may cost what is strictly regulated in Germany. The price of all components of the check-ups is precisely prescribed in the scale of fees for doctors.
The detailed check-ups cost more than a “Check-Up 35” because they are much more thorough, i.e. they include significantly more tests and also entail more laboratory, equipment and material costs and time expenditure for the practice.
(1) Prävention – So können Sie dem Schlaganfall vorbeugen (no date). https://www.schlaganfall-hilfe.de/de/verstehen-vermeiden/risiken-erkennen-und-vermeiden/tipps-zur-vorsorge/allgemein.
(2) Corliss, J. (2023) The latest on lipoprotein(a), an inherited cause of early heart disease. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/the-latest-on-lipoprotein-a-an-inherited-cause-of-early-heart-disease.
(3) Todesursachen (no date). https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Gesellschaft-Umwelt/Gesundheit/Todesursachen/_inhalt.html.
Wir bekommen immer wieder Anfragen von gesetzlich versicherten Patientinnen und Patienten nach zeitnahen Terminen in der Kardiologie. Der Gesetzgeber hat Anfang 2023 die Terminvermittlung durch Hausärzte neu geregelt. Für gesetzlich versicherte Patientinnen und Patienten kann die Hausärztin/ der Hausarzt nun kurzfristig einen Termin in unserer Praxis vereinbaren.
Sind alle notwendigen Voraussetzungen erfüllt, kann die Hausarztpraxis einen Termin für Sie direkt bei uns vereinbaren. In diesem Fall steht Ihnen ein zeitnaher Termin bei einem Facharzt zu. Damit Sie innerhalb von vier Tagen einen Termin bekommen können, werden von uns gesonderte Termine vorgehalten (Akutsprechstunde).
Die Erfüllung aller notwendigen Voraussetzungen muss von der Hausärztin/ vom Hausarzt überprüft werden. Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen, die Sie gerne an Ihre Hausarztpraxis weitergeben können.